Hi my name is Scott Wood, and this is my blog. I have always enjoyed writing and even tried my hand at fiction writing once up on a time. I decided that I wanted to share my life and career successes and yes even my many failures. So, this is my blog. A composition of stories, advice, narration of topics, and hopefully some fun.
I came from a wonderful family that has seen its share of significant challenges. These challenges sometimes stopped me cold, but they have shaped my mind and heart. I now have a family that I cherish and to which I dedicate my entire life and love. Together we are seven: myself, my wife Lisa, and my five children. Our family is expanding as my children are growing, going to college, serving missions, and marrying off.
I started my career in 1992 when a friend in my programming course in college told me that her employer was looking for cheap talent (she didn't exactly say cheap, but that was implied). I interviewed and found myself sitting at an HP 386 PC writing Professional Basic code for a tax software company. I had found what I loved to do. Coding was in my blood from age 12 when I wrote my first program in BASIC on my Atari 1200. And now I had arrived! Someone was willing to pay (albeit not much) for me to code for them.
As the years passed (I'm sure I will get to writing more details about those years) I advanced to senior programmer, project manager, team leader, and finally got my break as a Director of Software Development. My years as a director or manager trying to help companies succeed and bring software to life have been brutal teachers. I can honestly say that I learned my best lessons from doing it wrong and researching, listening, reading, and finding ways that were more right. What I have written here will not be entirely comprehensive and is not immutable. But perhaps my readers will learn from a seasoned optimist and ascend to heights beyond my own.
As you read what I have to offer, if you find something that peeks your interest, or even better, if you find something that inspires you to move your career or personal life in a new direction, then I would like to hear about it. You can communicate with me on this blog or use the email address provided.
Finally, this is a personal blog. The opinions expressed on this site are strictly my own and not those of my employer.
Now read on and explore...